
Hygienic double-seat valves N1

RIEGER hygienic double-seat valves offer reliable protection for your product by separating incompatible products in a leak-proof manner. They have been proving their worth for years in plants in the beverage and brewing industry, the pharmaceutical industry as well as the food and dairy industry.
The design of the one-piece solid valve body and the radial sealing of both valve seats together with the balanced valve discs enable completely safe CIP/SIP cleaning and thus ensure an extremely high level of safety for your products.

SpeedPush drive
Air consumption and the consumption of cleaning chemicals when using double-seat valves can and should also be taken into account for the total cost of ownership.

To reduce air consumption and the consumption of cleaning media, double-seat valves with reduced air volume in the actuator are recommended. With a reduced air volume, faster switching of the valve discs is possible during CIP to achieve the desired cleaning result even faster. This means that less cleaning media is required throughout the cleaning cycle.

Material product touched
not in contact with the product
Seals O-rings/seals EPDM
(others on request)
Temperatures maximum EPDM
Continuous operating temperature
Sterilization temperature
130 °C*
150 °C* short term
(approx. 20 min)
Press Closing pressure

Control air pressure

max. 10 bar

min 6 bar –
max. 10 bar

Surfaces product touched

not in contact with the product

Ra ≤ 0.8 µm
e-polished, other surfaces on request
Ra ≤ 1.6 µm
Pipe classes
DIN 11850-R2 (DIN 11866 A)
O.D. tube (DIN 11866 C)
*dependent on operating parameters

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